Take care of the parents of nursing homes Free family counseling

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Code Plus – Care for the Elderly

We founded “Code Plus – Care for the Elderly” from an understanding that just like yourself – many children of elderly parents are clueless when trying to figure out what will be the right thing to do for their folks. The variety of options out there could be overwhelming and confusing, and it’s hard to know what will be suitable for the condition your mother or father is facing.

A solution that could ease the process, and keep you from spending unnecessary expenses, is the right for financial assistance for paying hospitalization and nursing fees, known as “Code Hospitalization”.

Your Fast Track for Hospitalization and Nursing Funding Assistance

“Code Plus” specializes in assisting you with paying for hospitalization of nursing given by the Israeli Ministry of Health – “Code Hospitalization”. Our accompanying services are provided free-of-charge and guarantee to be the fastest, cheapest and most secured method for obtaining subsidization from the Ministry of Health. Thus allowing you to place your beloved family member in the most suitable home or facility for their needs.

Our group is made of small groups of professional specialists, with vast experience  handling the geriatric system. Your personal specialist will guide you through every step of the way: from research and browsing through the potential solutions, to obtaining the subsidization and moving your darlings to a home, while providing them the best medical treatment they deserve.

Obtaining “Code Hospitalization” Financial Assistance – Free of charge

Every senior citizen in the State of Israel has the right to obtain “Code Hospitalization”: funding for his or her hospitalization fees based on their financial and medical status. This subsidization can be especially beneficial for families who wish their elderly parent will not become a financial burden and aim to give them only the best and most dedicated medical care for their state. “Code Plus” is here to help you fulfill this right, with our free-of-charge accompanying and counseling services.

Choosing the Right Medical Care for Your Elderly Parent

We at “Code Plus” are familiar with all the different homes and elderly care facilities in Israel, and have all the information regarding the medical care each one provides. We will find a match that best fits the medical needs of your elderly family members and answers to the highest standards of the Israeli Ministry of Health.

Keeping the lifestyle of Your Senior Family Members

We at “Code Plus” know that as long as the new life of your elderly beloved matches the routine he is custom to – he will make the best from his new home. Our counseling services will explore the level of adaptations needed in his new place, in order to preserve as much as possible his lifestyle: which personal belongings can be transferred to his new place; which courses and activities he can still take part in; and which relatives or friends are close by a TaylorMade solution.

What is “Code Hospitalization”?

“Code Hospitalization” is a confirmation that the state of Israel will assist with paying hospitalization fees for the home or the facility your senior family member will be placed in

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